About Me
I have come a long way when I look back. I have always worked since I was 15 years old because I was an abandoned child who grew up in the slums of Bombay who was passed on from one house to an orphanage to other houses! A disturbed, angry, violent, almost homeless girl to what you see today!
This is going to be a bit long because I can’t make it any shorter that this. So bear with me please!
Deepa Kenny
At 15 years of age, I decided to put an end to the burden and life which the slums offer and decided to change my position. I then took up any job I got – from making food to tele-calling, to selling perfumes at a mall, catering and even a background artist for Indian Cinema – Bollywood! I wanted to start saving because I wanted a better life. After finishing school, in two years, I had saved up enough to move out from the slums and be able to stay in a better place.
I wanted to become a doctor but I could not afford it. I thought I’ll become a nurse but I could not afford that either! My pay only allowed me to study home science, the closest to being a doctor, so I did it. At the time I did not know anything about nutrition or diabetes or anything. I just wanted to pay my bills and change my position and have a better life. That’s all.
At the time I was working as a waitress for a wedding catering company which meant I was feeding people a lot because at Indians wedding, we force people to eat a lot. It’s considered rude if you don’t. But in my final year of studying home science, I realized that what I am doing is really wrong. I am harming people a lot! So after I finished studying, I left that job and I wanted to do the opposite of what I was doing, I wanted to heal people instead.
I got my next job in a slimming clinic as a personal trainer. I fell in love with personal training and loved what I was doing. I loved interacting with clients, transforming their health and it gave me a lot of satisfaction! I felt very content in my heart!
And then I got super sick and was hospitalized for 3 months. At that point I realized that I should start my independent practise because my gym clients came checking on me and refused training from anyone and only wanted me.
That’s it. I started consulting on my own in 2017 and have never looked back. I worked with several doctors in the meanwhile and learnt a lot but I had started my independent practice as well. Very soon, 10 clients became 20, and 20 became 70 and I keep growing by the grace of god!
It’s been almost 4 years and the journey has been incredible. Helping people eat right and take care of themselves makes me so happy!
Today, I feel blessed. I have a loving husband, a loving home and a very happy community of 100’s of clients. This is my family and I hope to keep growing.
I want you to take my life story as a story of motivation and not sympathy. If I can change my life around, you can take care of your health and turn it around too! Nothing is impossible!